Big Group

The Big Group is designed for kids between the ages of 4 and 7 to prepare them for school. This group is taught by a teacher for 12 kids.

In the Big Group, kids start to develop their writing and reading skills through numerous fun activities. The children follow an additional Heggerty Phonemic Awareness program along with the kindergarten’s curriculum. They also have joined field trips or walks with the Middle Group every other week, and stay active throughout the day.

In order to prepare for school, the children in the Big Group have structured classes following these Learning Areas:

  • Language&Speech (4 times per week)
  • Environment&Me (3 times per week)
  • Math (3 times per week)
  • Art (3 times per week)
  • Music class (1 time per week)
  • Physical Education class (1 time per week)
  • Dance class (1 time per week)
Tallinn International Kindergarten